There are many forms for delivering frequencies. Including pulsed electromagnetic waves (PEMF), light (red light therapy/LLLT), direct current electrical stimulation, degenerative wave, sinusoidal, square wave, etc. However, the most effective is Direct Current. DC can also be the most dangerous if the voltage is too high or the waves are not configured correctly, or if the wrong frequencies are chosen. This is why the Healy device is so profound. It takes the guesswork out of the equation and senses what program your body needs and provides real-time adjustments with the patented exact match technology.
Healy is designed to bring the cell voltage back into the healthy (physiological) range by introducing currents into the body. These currents are very low in the range of a few microamperes. The most important criterion for this type of therapy is that the currents are applied in the form of suitable frequencies. Which is why this type of therapy is called “frequency therapy.”