It’s so Easy to Use the Healy
Download App – Sync – Start
Using the Healy is very easy and you will enjoy using it.
Within a few minutes you can start doing something good for your health!
The Healy Is Smart and Easy to Use
The Healy is so compact, light and inexpensive because it doesn’t need its own data memory, screen or data input device. All these things are already present in your smartphone that you use to operate your Healy. So you need to install the Healy App on your smartphone before using the Healy. If you have an Android smartphone, you can get the app from the Google Play Store; for your Apple iPhone, you can get it from the App Store.
After you have installed the app, it will tell you exactly what to do next. Turn on your phone’s Bluetooth connection so the phone can “see” and “talk” to your Healy. You can now see on your screen what programs are available. This depends on the Healy Edition you have chosen.
Once you have selected a specific program on the screen, you will see its total running time. You will then be instructed which electrodes to apply. Press “Start” and off you go! You can adjust the intensity of the program yourself while it is running.
1. Downloading the app
The free app makes the Healy easy to operate. Simply download the Healy app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. Install the Healy app on your smartphone and follow the instructions to set up the Healy app.
2. Synchronize with the smartphone
Turn on your Healy and activate your smartphone’s Bluetooth connection. Follow the instructions in the Healy app to connect your phone to the Healy. This will give you access to all your Healys features.
3. Start the frequency program
The Healy app displays a list of all available programs on your device. Select a program of your choice. The Healy app shows you how long a frequency program will take to complete.
Start the program and, if needed, change the desired intensity. Your Healy will now take over, providing you with the right frequencies.
Here’s what users say about their Healy
Photos and surnames for the purpose of data protection (DSGVO) partially changed
Uwe AlbrechtController
43 years old
Annett SandersConsultant
39 years old
Jens MälzerManaging Director
42 years old
Becki VogtJogger
21 years old
Hassan Al-JamalMaster-Student
29 years old
Berta KochHealth Store Consultant
36 years old
Stephan SteinersSales Representative
34 years old
Ewa NguyenNaturopath
45 years old
Reinhard PetersCraftsmen
69 years old
Kristin LukeStudent
24 years old
Jonas FischerStudent
22 years old
Charissa MüllerFreelancer
29 years old
Notice: Individual experiences, not representative and applicable for every user
Anyone can use the Healy. It’s easy, fast and fun! After just a few minutes you will start to feel its effects.